I was tasked with updating an outdated manual for a Casio watch, which was difficult to navigate and left users feeling directionless. The original manual lacked clear guidance on how to approach different parts of the watch, making it challenging for users to understand its functions.
To address the layout issue, I introduced a colour -coded system. By using bold colors, I created a visual guide that naturally directed the reader’s eye from left to right, making it clear which function or part of the watch the instructions referred to. Additionally, I noticed that the original manual's text was overly condensed, making it difficult to read. To improve readability, I resized the body copy and carefully condensed the content to keep it focused and engaging without overwhelming the reader. The redesigned manual was significantly easier to navigate, with users able to quickly find the information they needed. The color-coded layout provided clear visual guidance, while the improved text formatting made the manual more accessible and user-friendly. Overall, the project succeeded in creating a more effective and intuitive user experience.
I was assigned the task of editing administrative documents, which required optimizing the workflow for two key users: the applicants filling out the forms and the administrators processing the data. My goal was to improve the efficiency of the document processing while minimizing errors. I needed to create a solution that would streamline the workflow for both users, making it easier for applicants to complete the forms and for administrators to input the data accurately.
To achieve this, I reconfigured the document layout by shortening the columns, which were previously stretched out into long rows. I also introduced a color-coding system, where the applicant's section was on the left and the administrator's section was highlighted with color. This visual distinction allowed administrators to focus solely on their designated section without having to constantly cross-reference between different parts of the document.
The reconfigured document layout significantly improved the efficiency of the administrative process. Administrators could now process the data faster and with fewer errors, as they no longer needed to look back and forth between sections. The changes also made the documents more user-friendly for applicants, resulting in a smoother overall experience.

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