My role was to create a cohesive brand identity that encapsulated the essence of Yeti Yoga. The challenge was to design a logo and accompanying branding materials that reflected the company's unique identity—wild, free, and balanced—while resonating with the target audience in the Vancouver area.
I began by brainstorming keywords that embodied the brand's identity, focusing on concepts like "wild," "free," and "balance." Drawing inspiration from British Columbia’s rich outdoor experience, I incorporated these elements into the design. The Sasquatch, an iconic symbol of the region, was used as the central figure in the logo. To convey balance and harmony, I depicted the Sasquatch in the Natarajasana (King Dancer) pose, which added both shape and volume to the logo. The design process involved careful consideration of how the logo would translate across various mediums, including letterheads and business cards.

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